Our Course Modules:-

Duration: 1 Month

Basic Office Automation

1. Fundamentals of Computer

  • Introduction
  • Definition of a Computer System
  • Classification of Computers
  • According to Technology
  • According to Individuals
  • According to size and Capacity
  • Peripherals
  • Input Devices
  • Output Devices
  • Memory
  • Main Memory
  • Secondary Memory
  • Central Processing Unit
  • Control Unit
  • Arithmetic Logic Unit
  • Computer Software
  • System Software
  • Application Software

2. Miscellaneous Windows 7 Features

  • Introduction
  • Understanding Windows Explorer
  • Exploring Windows Explorer in Windows 7
  • Address Bar
  • Search Box
  • Toolbar
  • Navigation Pane
  • Content Pane
  • Details Pane
  • Preview pane
  • Menu bar
  • Creating Files and Folder in Windows Explorer
  • Creating Files and Folders
  • Renaming Files and Folders
  • Copying a File or Folder
  • Moving a file or Folder
  • Deleting a File or Folder
  • Using Basic Programs
  • WordPad
  • Paint
  • Calculator
  • Snipping Tool
  • Copying, Moving and Deleting Files and Folders

3. Launching Internet Explorer

  • Introduction
  • Launching Internet Explorer
  • Browsing the Web with Internet Explorer
  • Visiting a Website
  • Enabling the Pop-up Blocker Features
  • Restricting a Website
  • Setting the Home Page
  • Creating an E-mail Account
  • Finding Information Through a Search Engine
  • Downloading from the Internet

4. Introducing Microsoft Office 2010

  • Introduction
  • Installing Microsoft Office 2010
  • Introducing the Microsoft Office 2010 User Interface
  • File Tab
  • Title Bar
  • Status Bar
  • Quick Access Toolbar
  • Ribbon
  • Key Tips
  • Mini Toolbar
  • Using Office Online Help

5. Getting Started with Microsoft Word 2010

  • Introduction
  • Working with Ribbon
  • Exploring the Ribbon
  • Creating a New Blank Word Document
  • Saving as MS Word Document
  • Applying Basic Formatting
  • Setting Indent for a Paragraph
  • Adding a Paragraph Border
  • Setting Tabs
  • Using the Cut, Copy and Paste Commands
  • Using the Find, Replace, and Go To Commands
  • Using the Find Commands
  • Printing a Word Document
  • Closing A Word Document
  • Opening an Existing Word Document
  • Quitting the MS Word 2010 Application

6. Working with Graphics and Tables

  • Introduction
  • Working with Basic Graphical Objects
  • Inserting a Picture
  • Inserting a Clip Art
  • Inserting a Shape
  • Inserting a SmartArt
  • Modifying a Picture
  • Cropping a Picture
  • Removing the Background of a Picture
  • Changing the Color of a Picture
  • Applying Artistic Effects to a Picture
  • Editing Graphical Objects
  • Arranging Objects
  • Aligning Objects
  • Grouping Objects
  • Working with Tables
  • Inserting a Table
  • Inserting Columns and Rows
  • Deleting Columns and Rows
  • Merging Cells in a Table

7. Designing ad Reviewing a Word Document

  • Introduction
  • Inserting Header and Footer
  • Inserting Footnotes and Endnotes
  • Changing Page Setup Option
  • Setting Page margins
  • Changing Page Orientations
  • Inserting Page Breaks
  • Performing Spelling and Grammar Check
  • Inserting and Deleting Comments
  • Tracking Changes
  • Accepting and Rejecting Changes
  • Inserting the Table of Content
  • Inserting a Caption
  • Inserting a Citation
  • Inserting a Bibliography
  • Using the Bookmarks
  • Creating Hyperlink
  • Marking a Document as Final

8. Using Mail Merge

  • Introduction
  • Using Mail Merge
  • Setting the Environment for Mail Merge
  • Adding and Editing Recipients
  • Inserting Merge Fields
  • Previewing and Finishing Mail Merge

9. Getting Started With Microsoft Excel 2010

  • Introduction
  • Exploring New Features in MS Excel
  • Launching MS Excel 2010
  • Creating a New Blank MS Excel Workbook
  • Saving an Excel Workbook
  • Adding Data to Cells
  • Modifying Cells, Rows, Columns, and Worksheets
  • Setting the Environment for Mail Merge
  • Adding and Editing Recipients
  • Inserting Merge Fields
  • Previewing and Finishing Mail Merge
  • Inserting a Cell
  • Inserting a Row
  • Inserting a Column
  • Inserting a new Worksheet
  • Removing a Cell
  • Removing a Row
  • Removing a Row
  • Removing a Column
  • Removing an Entire Worksheet
  • Renaming a Worksheet
  • Adding Border to Cells
  • Applying Conditional Formatting
  • Applying a Conditional Formatting
  • Applying a Color Scale
  • Inserting Data Bars
  • Inserting Icon Sets
  • Closing an MS Excel Workbook
  • Quitting the MS Excel Application

10. Working with Tables and Charts

  • Introduction
  • Working with Tables
  • Creating a Table from a Blank Cell Range
  • Creating a Table from an Existing Data Range
  • Formatting a Table
  • Converting a Table into a Range of Data
  • Working with a Chart
  • Creating a Chart
  • Changing the Chart Style
  • Changing the Chart Layout

11. Getting Started with Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

  • Introduction
  • Creating a New Blank Presentation
  • Exploring the Tabs
  • The Home Tab
  • The Insert Tab
  • The Design Tab
  • The Transition Tab
  • The Animation Tab
  • The Slide Show Tab
  • The Review Tab
  • The View Tab
  • Saving a Presentation
  • Adding Slides
  • Adding Text to a Slide Using Boxes
  • Setting Up and Running a Slide Show
  • Broadcasting a Slide Show
  • Recording a Slide Show
  • Packaging a Presentation on a CD
  • Closing a Presentation and Quitting PowerPoint

12. Enhancing PowerPoint Presentations

  • Introduction
  • Changing the Layout of a Slide
  • Applying Background to a Slide
  • Applying Themes to a Presentation
  • Working with Basic Graphical Objects
  • Inserting a Picture
  • Inserting a Clip Art
  • Inserting a SmartArt Graphic
  • Working with Audio and Video Clips
  • Inserting A Sound Clip
  • Inserting Videos from a File
  • Inserting Videos from a Website
  • Formatting ad Editing Videos
  • Adding Actions to a Slide
  • Creating a Photo Album

13. Building Dynamic PowerPoint Presentations

  • Introduction
  • Adding and Removing Animation Painter Tool
  • Copying Animation Using the Animation Painter Tool
  • Working with Transitions
  • Inserting a Picture
  • Inserting a Clip Art
  • Inserting a SmartArt Graphic
  • Working with Audio and Video Clips
  • Inserting A Sound Clip
  • Inserting Videos from a File
  • Inserting Videos from a Website
  • Formatting ad Editing Videos
  • Adding Actions to a Slide
  • Creating a Photo Album
  • Exploring New 3D Transition
  • Adding Transition Effects to a Slide
  • Removing a Transition Effects from a Slide

Advance Office Automation

1. Working with Formula and Functions

  • Introduction
  • Working With Formula
  • Creating a Formula
  • Explaining Cell Reference
  • Creating a Formula Absolute Cell References
  • Referencing Cells from Other Worksheets
  • Working with Functions
  • Explaining the Function Syntax
  • Exploring New Functions in MS Excel 2010
  • Copying a Function
  • Applying Built-in Functions
  • Mathematical and Statistical Functions
  • Using the SUM Function
  • Using the COUNT Function
  • Using the AVERAGE Function
  • Text Functions
  • Using the CONCATENATE Function
  • Using the LEN Function
  • Using the REPLACE Function
  • Using the FIND Function
  • Using the SUBSTITUTE Function
  • Using the SEARCH Function
  • Working with the Date and Time Functions
  • Using the NOW Function
  • Using the DAY Function
  • Using the WEEKDAY Function
  • Using the NETWORKDAYS Function

2. Advance Functions in Excel

  • Logical Functions
  • Using the AND Function
  • Using the IF Function
  • Using the OR Function
  • Financial Functions
  • Using the PV Function
  • Using the FV Function
  • Using the NPER Function
  • Using the RATE Function
  • Working with Lookup & Reference Functions
  • Using the COLUMN Function
  • Using the ROW Function
  • Using the LOOKUP Function
  • Using the VLOOKUP Function
  • Using the HLOOKUP Function
  • Some Functions that Meet Specific Criteria
  • Working with Auditing Tools
  • Using the Trace Precedents Tool
  • Using the Trace Dependents Tool
  • Using the Remove Arrows Tool
  • Using the Show Formula Tool
  • Using the Evaluate Formula Tool
  • Checking Errors
  • Using the Watch Window Tool

3. Understanding PivotTable, What-if Analysis, and Solver

  • Working with a PivotTable
  • Creating a PivotTable
  • Creating a PivotTable Chart Based on a PivotTable Report
  • Using the Slicer to Filter PivotTable Reports
  • Using the Slicer to Filter PivotTable Reports
  • Understanding What-if Analysis
  • Using the Data Table Tool
  • Using the Scenario Manager Tool
  • Using the Goal Seek Tool
  • Understanding Solver
  • Summary

4. Validating and Protecting Data

  • Understanding Data Validation
  • Setting the Criteria for Data Validation
  • Understanding Describing the Commonly used Types of Data Validation Criteria
  • Understanding Data Protection
  • Protecting a Worksheet
  • Protecting a Workbook
  • Summary

5. Importing Data, Linking and Consolidating a Worksheet

  • Importing Data
  • Importing Data from a Microsoft Word Document
  • Importing a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
  • Importing Data from Microsoft Access Database
  • Linking Worksheets and Workbooks
  • Consolidating a Worksheet
  • Consolidating Data by using the Paste Special Command
  • Consolidating Data by using formulas
  • Consolidating Data by using the Consolidate Command
  • Summary

6. Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2010

  • Introducing a Database
  • Exploring the Database Objects
  • Tables
  • Forms
  • Query
  • Report
  • Starting MS Access 2010
  • Introducing the File Tab (Backstage View)
  • Creating a Database
  • Creating a Database using a Blank Template
  • Creating a Database using Sample Templates
  • Opening an Existing Database
  • Exploring the MS Access 2010 User Interface
  • The Quick Access Toolbar
  • The Title Bar
  • The Minimize, Maximize and Close Buttons
  • The Status Bar
  • The Record Selection
  • The View Button
  • Ribbon
  • The Dialog Box Launcher
  • The Navigation Pane
  • The Tab Object
  • Creating a Table
  • Creating a Table in Datasheet View
  • Creating a Table in the Design View
  • Saving a Table
  • Opening a Table in the Design View
  • Working with Fields in a Table
  • Inserting a New Field
  • Deleting a Field
  • Understanding Data Types
  • Entering Records in a Table
  • Navigating between Records in a Datasheet View
  • Editing Records in a Table
  • Understanding the Concept of Creating Relationship between Tables
  • Closing a Database and Quitting MS Access 2010
  • Summary

7. Working with Queries and Forms

  • Introducing Query Types
  • Creating a Query
  • Creating a Query using the Query Wizard Option
  • Creating a Query in the Query Design Option
  • Running a Query
  • Saving a Query
  • Exploring the Criteria Ranges
  • Filtering a query for a Specific Value
  • Introducing Forms
  • Creating Forms in MS Access 2010
  • Creating a Form Using the Form Option
  • Creating a Form Using Form Wizard
  • Creating a Form Using the Form Design Option
  • Saving and Closing a Form
  • Summary

8. Creating Reports in MS Access 2010

  • Working with Reports
  • Creating a Reports Using the Report Tool
  • Creating a Report by Using the Report Design Tool
  • Creating a Report Using Report Wizard
  • Saving a Report
  • Previewing and Printing a Report
  • Printing a Report Using the Print Preview Option
  • Printing a Report from Backstage View
  • Summary
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