2 Hours/day – 1 Hour Theory, 1 Hour Practical
4 Hours/day – 2 Hours Theory, 2 hours Practical
Course Content:
Terminology and Vocabulary
- Parts of computer system
- Software: Applications and Operating system
Windows Concepts
- Windows navigation
- Multi-task applications
- File-management (reinforce and emphasize throughout the length of the course)
Basic Word Processing Concepts
Basic Spreadsheet Concepts
Basic Presentation Concepts
Basic Internet Skills
- Browsers
- Searching
- Ethics
Basic Communication Skills
- Email
- Attachments
- Overview of MyPCC Portal
- Netiquette
Basic Database Concepts
- Identify components of a computer system
- Identify types of software applications and operating systems
Windows Skills, including:
- Use the mouse to:
(i) navigate Windows and applications
(ii) open, close and work between applications
(iii) access “short-cut menus” using right-mouse button - Develop skill in basic file management throughout the course including:
(i) moving/copying/renaming/deleting files
(ii) creating/renaming/deleting folders
Word Processing Skills
- Create and edit one page Word documents
- Copy/Move/Paste text
- Create and edit a multi-page Word document
- Format and enhance Word documents
- Insert Clipart
Internet Skills
- Identify and use Internet browser features
- Use Search tools
- Understand Internet Ethics
Communication Skills
- Send and receive email
- Send and open email attachments
- Introduce basic MyPCC Portal website including basic navigation, email, calendar and course tools
- Identify proper netiquette rules
Spreadsheet Skills
- Create and edit basic Excel spreadsheets
- Format and enhance spreadsheets
- Use Auto Sum and create basic formulas
- Create basic charts
Database Skills
- Create and Edit a database
- Format and enhance a database
- Create Queries
- Sort and filter a database
- Create and print Reports
Presentation Skills
- Create and edit basic PowerPoint presentations
- Use template, color schemes, animation, slide transition
- Insert images including digital pictures